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Left with a bitter taste – curated screening Naima Alam

Czwartek, 18.04.2024
12 PLN


Left with a bitter taste – curated screening Naima Alam

Who we are today is an accumulation of experiences, feelings, and ideologies from yesterday. Here are some stories that are either portray bitter in themselves, or will leave a bitter taste for a long time afterwards. That is not to say that bitterness stays the same. As we have new experiences our perspectives also evolve. Bitterness can be laced with a little bit of sweet. The final story is neither bitter nor sweet. It was chosen because of it’s humorous representation of how we want to act when we have just had enough of it all.

Joem, Kangmin Kim, South Korea, United States, 2018, 4’07’’

A still from an animated film. Two figures made of wooden elements sit on blue stools one behind the other. The figure in front is large and red, the figure behind it looks like a human.

The English translation of JEOM means „black dot” or „birthmark”. For this film, JEOM is also a metaphor on the powerful hereditary force that each of us receives without our consent before we are even born. It is inevitable that we are all tied to this heredity. No matter how much we try to erase or change this fact, our ancestors will always live through us.

Bloeistraat 11, Nienke Deutz, Belgium, Netherlands, 2018, 9’41”

A still from an animated film. A two-story house with a garden made of cardboard. There is a trampoline in the garden, with two cardboard girls jumping on it.

Inseparable childhood friends spend their final summer holiday together. Soon their bodies start to change and an awkwardness overshadows their friendship.

Un diable dans la poche, Antoine Bonnet; Mathilde Loubes, France, 2019, 5’38

A still from an animated film. A two-story house with a garden made of cardboard. There is a trampoline in the garden, with two cardboard girls jumping on it.

A group of children witnesses a crime and is forced to remain silent. Auguste, the youngest, finds the burden too heavy and decides to reveal this secret. To punish this treason, the rest of the kids plan to get rid of him.

Pussy, Renata Gąsiorowska, Poland, 2016, 8’22’’

A still from an animated film. Cartoon animation. A girl with black hair, wearing a blue T-shirt, is pressing on a small creature sitting on the table.

A young girl spends the evening alone at home. She decides to have some sweet solo pleasure session, but not everything goes according to plan.

Roughhouse, Jonathan Hodgson, France, United Kingdom, 2018, 15’39’’

A still from an animated film. Compartment on the train. Three men are sitting on seats, smoking cigarettes and drinking cans of soda. Outside the window, a city landscape with buildings.

Three friends embark on a new adventure in a strange town, but when a manipulative new member joins their gang their loyalty is torn apart with terrifying consequences.

Pink, Mahboobeh Mohammadzaki, Iran, 2016, 4’59’’

A still from an animated film. A woman with closed eyes, wearing a pink dress, floats in the room. Blue and white circles around her.

Everyday life of a woman with breast cancer, with her fears, and hopes.

Bon Voyage, Fabio Friedli, Switzerland, 2011, 6’14’’

A still from an animated film. Black and white sketch. A truck loaded with luggage. There is a tall tower of people on the luggage, with two palm trees in the background.

Dozens of migrants climb onto an overcrowded truck. Their goal: to escape to Europe. When they arrive after an exhausting journey, another brutal reality awaits them: the European treatment of refugees.

The Bigger Picture, Daisy Jacobs, United Kingdom, 2014, 7’25’’


The story of two brothers struggling with the care of their elderly mother.

Knife Hanging From A Tree, JiHee Nam, United States, 2019, 3’27’’

A still from an animated film. A figure with black hair, wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts, holds a round, orange object in his hands. Pink flowers around her.

Sour grapes.

Enough, Anna Mantzaris, United Kingdom, 2017, 2’19”

A still from an animated film. Office interior. A figure with red hair picks up a laptop and tries to throw it. Behind her, another figure sits at a desk, looking at a computer screen.

Moments of lost self-control.

Curator – Naima Alam

Photo of a dark-haired woman with glasses. The woman is wearing a black T-shirt and a red jacket.

Naima Alam’s focus is on social education through animation. She pursues this topic as a freelance animator, and a doctoral candidate at the Media Studies department of the University of Tübingen, Germany. Her research interests are health and human rights communication. Basically, she wants to learn everything she can about storytelling that moves people to make a change.

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