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SOUR – curated screening Krste Gospodinovski

Wtorek, 16.04.2024
12 PLN


SOUR – curated screening Krste Gospodinovski

Rather than providing a conventional shugary escape, this is a selection of films that emerge with an ambiguous narrative thread, exploring the intricate nuances of interpersonal relationships and complex societal dynamics. Their unpredictable narratives confront the audience with unraveling intricacies that invite them to grapple with discomfort and often leave them with a sour aftertaste.

These films skillfully blend surreal and sometimes grotesque visuals, with unconventional storytelling to create an unsettling yet thought-provoking experience, keeping the viewer engaged and emotionally invested.

In essence, their narrative structure aims to create layers of tension, emotional resonance, and social commentary that transforms the cinematic experience into an avant-garde exploration which resonates deeply with the audience’s intellectual and emotional state.

Amok, Balázs Turai, Hungary, 2022, 14’17”

A frame from an animated film. A red dwarf wearing black overalls and a red Santa Claus hat sits and raises his right hand. In front of him is a bucket of popcorn. There is blood around the dwarf's mouth.

After losing his fiancée and his good looks in a freak accident, Clyde must confront his inner demon.

Arka, Natko Stipaničev, Croatia, 2020, 14’41’’

A still from an animated film. Deck of a cruise ship. A row of wooden deckchairs. Two powerful women in swimsuits lie on deckchairs and sunbathe. Two men in black suits. One of them covers the woman with an umbrella, the other man massages the woman's feet.

A grandiose transoceanic cruise liner sails the seas.

Thing / Ding, Malte Stein, Germany 2021, 4’32’’

A still from an animated film. An elderly, bald man in a black T-shirt and black shorts sits on concrete steps.

Haunted by a little thing, a man gets driven to the edge.

Hide, Daniel Gray, France, Hungary, Canada, 2020, 11’

A still from an animated film. Close-up of a child's face. The child covers his face with both hands, a fragment of the room in the background.

Two brothers are playing hide and seek. One of them finds the perfect hiding spot… and never comes out. Life carries on outside.

Jeroboam, Bianca Caderas, Germany, 2020, 7’11’’

A still from an animated film. Two blue figures with light hair are hugging each other. One of them holds an oblong glass with a light pink drink in front of her.

Wine glasses are raised at bars, parties, and dinners, but hardly anyone does justice to the wine. Helga has secret plans to do justice to it.

Steakhouse, Špela Čadež, Slovenia, France, Germany, 2022, 9’30”

A still from an animated film. Foggy image. A woman with short brown hair, wearing a yellow blouse, holds a glass with a light drink in her hands. Next to her were other, blurred figures.

The steak has been marinating for a few days now. The pan is heated. Franc’s stomach is rumbling. But Liza’s co-workers surprise her with a birthday party.  Will she be home on time?

The Falling Girl, Vladimir Lukash, Macedonia, 2015, 10’27’’

A still from an animated film. Black background. White face with sharp white teeth. Ears are tube-shaped, the left ear is clearly elongated, resembling an elongated trumpet.

A girl stands on top of a building looking down at the city. She jumps. She falls with her eyes closed and eventually finds herself in a pond surrounded by bizarre faces. The falling continues…

Curator – Krste Gospodinovski

A photo of the face of a man with dark hair and eyes. The man has a dark beard and is wearing a celadon T-shirt.

Krste Gospodinovski is a Macedonian director and animator. He studied painting at the National Art Academy – Sofia and he’s currently doing his Ph.D. in cultural studiesanimation. He is a professor and head of the animation department at the University of Audiovisual Arts – Europa Prima – Skopje, and one of the founders of the festival for European short animated films, Flipbook Film Festival in Skopje. His short animated films (author/co-author) Gottlieb (2018), Snakelet (2020) and Not-Being (2023) were screened at over 60 festivals and won several awards.

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