Paper One Planet: Creative Fun with Circle, Cardboard, Square and Color (2 days workshops)
April 13-14, Miejskie Centrum Kultury ul. Marcinkowskiego 12-14, 8 years+
Saturday, 13.04, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
Sunday, 14.04, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
Admission: PLN 15
Registration: Confirmation of participation is the purchase of a ticket for 15.00 PLN at the MCK ticket office after prior registration by e-mail.
Paper One Planet: Creative Fun with Circle, Cardboard, Square and Color
Two-day workshop on creating and animating cut-out characters. Animation can be done using any material, the key is crafting your character’s identity. Sometimes in animation, the simplest form can bring the most life. We’ll use colorful cardboards and papers to build a planet teeming with creatures of various shapes – oval and angular, thin and sturdy. On a flat surface, we will bring to life a space full of colorful characters with personality. We cordially invite you to join the cut-out animation workshops, where participants will learn the basics of stop-motion animation by creating a short animated film.
*Please bring snacks and drinks.
Paulina Wyrt – director, illustrator, film and art educator, but above all, an enthusiast of animated film! Her passion isn’t just given to the big screen but also to the full energy workshops of animated films. For many years, she has been sharing her passion while working at the University of Arts in Poznań, where the magic of animation becomes a reality. She currently collaborates with the Animatik Foundation, engaging in activities related to animation and art. A recipient of numerous awards for her creative work, a scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture, and a proud guardian of Tadeusz the dog.
Robert Kuźniewski – animator, director of films, music videos and audiovisual shows, educator. Graduate of the Faculty of Animation and Intermedia at the University of Arts in Poznań. Member of the Polish Filmmakers Association and vice-president of the Animatik Foundation. Organizer of film workshops and mentor at events such as at the Anima International Animated Film Workshop in Dresden. Animator of films directed by Izabela Plucińska – Sexi Laundry and Portrait of Suzanne, winning awards such as the Golden Dragon of the Krakow Film Festival. Winner of awards at film festivals around the world, e.g. the Golden Tobołek at the O!PLA National Animation Festival, for his own animated films such as: Metro, River, Sad Eyes. Winner of a scholarship from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the field of artistic education.